
Thursday 15 August 2013

Bimbo Disposal System

Earlier this week I had the misfortune of waking up next to a camper. A camper is a chick that gains access to your living grounds via seduction and then seems determined to spend time with you the next day. Campers are dangerous, you could find your one night stand turning into a relationship before you can say 'Sorry, you can't stay here, I have work to do'. So you have to be prepared, the first time I engaged a camper I was unprepared and to this day said camper still thinks there's something going on between us. Luckily over the years I have perfected what I call The Bimbo Disposal System.

Bimbo Disposal Systems are tricky, they have to be big enough to get rid of chicks the morning after but small enough that they go unnoticed until after you've had sex. When developing my system I had to do a lot of experimentation to find the right balance. I found Nazi memorabilia was too much but high in fat breakfast was too little. My system is made up of lots of little things and a few emergency 'big guns'. First of all, my Bro Cave lacks colour, being made up of mainly black and greys, with a dash of blue. This doesn't detract from sex but gives off an anti-chick tone the next day. Now, everyone knows that chicks feel the cold more than guys, which is why you'll find my room very cold on a morning. The heat in my room is easily adjustable, allowing for 'I have to take my clothes off' heat when she arrives but 'why is this blanket so thin?' cold after sex. To aid in this my blanket is quite thin.

Moving on to the bathroom. What's that? You wanna take a shower? Sorry you can't, I only have one clean towel. A Bro only needs a towel for himself, no one else, so this is an easy way to make chicks leave. It's not like she's going to walk around smelling like sweat, sex and shame all day. Your toilet seat should always be up, even if you just came from a number two, take your time to raise the toilet seat. To aid in this you can purchase spring loaded toilet seats. So, what else do chicks like to do on a morning? Eat breakfast. But a Bro has no food in his kitchen, he doesn't even really need an oven. Barney Stinson himself doesn't have a working oven, in it's place he has a cardboard display. Your kitchen also shouldn't have coffee, low-fat variations of popular drinks (diet coke) or a table (a table is just inviting chicks to eat with you). Your kitchen can have full fat versions of popular drinks, beer, scotch, wine (comes in handy during the seduction but not the morning after) and snacks. Microwaves and toasters are acceptable. 

Your Bro Cave should have absolutely no living things in it at all (not including people of course). Plants, especially flowers, give the chick a 'home sweet home' kind of feeling. You know who decorates their house with flowers? Chicks. Pets are also generally not allowed because with your lifestyle you're never home anyway and their cuteness could also encourage chicks to stay.

So, on to the big guns. All these little things are almost always enough to get chicks to vacate the area but every once in a while you'll get a chick that is determined to stay there until you're in a relationship. First off, smoke machine. Turn that baby on, wait, then shout 'fire!', rush dr off the premises and lock the door behind her. Works every time. Another thing you could do for those stubborn campers is text a female friend and have her come over an pretend to be your girlfriend. Last up, porn. Stick some porn on, it'll either get her horny or disgusted, either way you're good.

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